Monday, August 29, 2005

Óli the sandeater Posted by Picasa

Steingrímur examining his socks :-) Posted by Picasa

Arna with a cold, still has a smile in store :-) Posted by Picasa

The girls picking berries Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Berries and babies

I had a great weekend. Steingrímur was staying with me and he was is such high spirits :-) He laughed and talked and played, he even said the most important word in the whole wide world: VAVA ! (vava=svava, of course :-)) So, I was really happy that my little friend is doing better, one medicine was taken away and then he feels MUCH better. Way to go Steingrímur :-) On Friday Magnea came over and we had a scrapbooking session, followed by a game of Carcassone. Very nice indeed, btw interesting to observe that when scrapbooking we never give ourselves time to stop and eat candy. Slimming activity, scrapbooking :-) On Saturday we went to Selatangar to pick some berries. My mother came, my sisters Steinka and Magga, Hilda and Guðlaug and of course Steingrímur. MMmmmm, me like picking berries ! And there was PLENTY there. I picked a boxfull and then started to stuff them directly in my face :-) The weather was great, sunshine and little wind. Wonderful ! On Sunday we went to Sif to visit her and Arna Ösp. Arna had a cold but was ready to give us some smiles and was very cheerful. Then we went to a playground and met Óli and family. Óli was looking fierce, with sand around his mouth :-) To round up a great weekend, my friend Gunnella visited. She brought with her a gift, a book called The Lord of the Rings Sketch book, by Alan Lee. SIGNED by him :-) For those who do not know, he is an artist that has illustrated both LOTHR and The Hobbit, and worked as a decorator on the films and really designed the films look. Me love Gunnella, yes yes ! But now, off to sleep, very tired now. Taaaah !

Friday, August 26, 2005

Just some smoke

Read the paper this morning. There was no fire next door, someone had just burned some leftovers on the stove and smoke got into the hallway. So, I lost valuable sleep over nothing. Fnys. Oh well, I'd rather have smoke than fire, so stop bitching drama queen.

My house, my house, my house is on fire !!!!!

Argh !! I was just roused from sleep by some commotion outside and lo !! One fire truck, 3 police cars and 2 ambulances outside !!! EEEEEEKK ! Nr. 1 or 3 are on fire, a little too close for comfort !! Fortunately this seems to be a small fire but still, it is rather disturbing ! I hate fire :-( Will not fall asleep easily again !

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Yet another test

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm !

Monday, August 22, 2005

The professional woman examining some rubbish bags Posted by Picasa

For those of you that have always yearned to see pictures of me at work - here I am examining a metal recycling facility. Look at that professional behind ! Posted by Picasa

Gunna's 72 point Carcassone city :-) Posted by Picasa

Carcassone on Culture Night

Saturday night was Culture Night in Reykjavík. Instead of going downtown with the roughly 100.000 souls expected to be there, I decided to visit my friend Gunna and play Carcassone with her :-) Quite fun, no hassle, no people pushing you about and last but not least: no rain soaking us up ! At 23:00 it started POURING down in Hafnarfjörður. And I mean POURING !! The sound of the rain pounding on the roof was deafening ! Me and Gunna were VERY pleased we were staying at home instead of struggling to get back to our car in a wet mass of people :-) Gunna managed to top off the evening by making a huge Carcassone city, earing her no less than 72 points ! Carcassone buffs will know how remarkable that is :-) Carcassone is culture enough for me :-)

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Meditation - and no, I'm not going mad :-)

Last Wednesday a man called Rob Nairn came to Iceland. He is the author of Diamond Mind, the book we used in my meditation course. He was staying at Vala's place, Vala is my meditation teacher. On Wednesday night I went there and met him along with my friend Kata. He is a remarkable man, very intelligent and very funny too :-) On Friday he gave a lecture called "Meditation for busy people", I went to that and it was very good. Then on Saturday morning we had an advanced meditation course where there was a chance to get a private interview with Rob and we learned some new stuff, like walking meditation :-) It was altogether great to meet him and get the chance to hear what he has to say live ! And for the people that think I've gone mad or am entering some cult: No, meditation is not a "cult" thing, it's just selv-improvement. And I think we can all agree on me needing some improvement, heh heh heh :-) Meditation rules !

Friday, August 19, 2005

My man Óli one year old on August 18th :-) Posted by Picasa

Arna Stjarna one year old on August 17th :-) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

A walk in the park - and Óli said SVAVA !

Today I took a walk with my sister, her two sons, her boyfriend and Hilda. We went to the park Miklatún where we stopped and allowed Óli to get out of his stroller a bit. Then along came an middle aged drunk that absolutely had to stop and talk to Óli. He handed him a crumpled flower petal, then reached into the nearest flower bed and ooops, took out a whole PLANT and gave to Óli. When Hilda took Óli back to his parents, the drunk graciously pointed out to him that he could give the flowers to his mother ! Óli was in high spirits and on the way back I finally got him to say SVAVA in front of witnesses ! My sweet Óli, learned the most important word of all :-)

When you travel down life's highway, don't forget to stop and eat the roses :-) And check out the nice flowers at Miklatún :-) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Championship tournament for ages 12-14

Hilda won a bronze medal for javelin throwing today :-) Yet another one for the collection :-) Posted by Picasa

Babies babies everywhere !

How wonderful it is to have access to a lot of cute babies ! Arna Ösp and Óli, just shy of one year old and Steinar, just shy of two weeks old, kept me happy today. Cute is the key word here ! Múshímúúúúú ! Me want one of my own, anybody ready to give me one ????

Arna Ösp is a jolly little girl :-) Posted by Picasa

Hilda very happy with little Steinar Posted by Picasa

Steinar cutie pie :-) Posted by Picasa

Frowning :-) Posted by Picasa

Óli just roused from sleep Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 08, 2005

The happy couple by the vintage wedding ride Posted by Picasa

Wedding at Hólar í Hjaltadal

Last Saturday I was at a wedding in the old cathedral at Hólar í Hjaltadal. My co-worker Ingibjörg was getting married to her boyfriend Valgeir. The weather was lovely, the sun shining and not a cloud in sight :-) The wedding banquet was excellent, the food was GREAT and there was singing, speeches and a lot of fun. Afterwards I went to Sauðárkrókur with Rannveig, a girl I know from biology. I stayed the night there with her at her sister's house. We went to a pub and downed one beer and chatted. It was quite fun. An all together great trip :-) It was a tad to windy on the way back though, under Hafnarfjall mountain some 3 caravans had been blown off the road, and I had a hard time keeping my car on it ! But now I'm home, safe and sound :-)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

New guy versus "old" guy :-) Posted by Picasa

I'm soooo tiny ! Posted by Picasa

Sleepy head :-) Posted by Picasa

The proud sister with her new brotherPosted by Picasa

Monday, August 01, 2005

The "ancient" older brother checking out the competition :-) Posted by Picasa

I'm soooo tiny !!!! Posted by Picasa

Cutness factor off the charts !!! Posted by Picasa