Thursday, October 30, 2003

Silly test:

You Shook Me All Night Long
"You Shook Me All Night Long" (by AC/DC)
'Cause the walls start shaking
The earth was quaking
My mind was aching
And we were making it and you -
Shook me all night long.

Which 80's Song Fits You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Lovely christening yesterday. The boy was named Sindri Thor, two names from the old Norse mythology. Me likes ! After the christening I visited my friend Kristin Anna and got to stuff myself with her wonderful spaghetti meat sauce. MMMMMMMMMMM, I ate toooo much ! Tomorrow I'll be at home, because Hildas school is closed. Nice to sleep late on a Friday, jippy !

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

America the beautiful...

Helloo ! Nuthing much happening.... just life as usual. Thus the Tuesday silence. But today I'm going to a christening. My friend Sonja is christening her son. It will be fun to find out what name she has picked :-) But for now I better get back to work :-(

Monday, October 27, 2003

Hehehe, Sex in the city turns to Fall on the pavement :-)

Check this out ! Find out your pirate name :-)

Nice weekend. It started with a staff party at my workplace on Friday. Not many people showed up, but it was fun anyway :-) Saturday I spent shopping and died in front of the TV with my friends in the evening. Sunday I went bowling with my sister, our daughters and my eldest sisters grandchild. It was quite fun, especially because I won. YES, I WON ! Weeeee ! Then I went to a christening. My friend Agusta had her son christened, he is named Aron Ingi. A very powerful young man, that shouted for his food constantly. Me likes !

Friday, October 24, 2003

Good morning world ! I haven't really been doing anything worth mentioning since Tuesday, thus the silence. Today is beer night at my workplace so mmmmm, I'll be having some fun tonite :-) Tomorrow I'm going to a christening at my friends place. That will be great. A little social life never hurts.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

So, our friend Arnie is now the governor of California. Some say this is just the first stepping stone on his road to become president of the US of A. Personally, I think he'd do a lot better than the idiot they have in office now :-)
Still, it caused quite a stir when Arnie ran for governor:

Some rather nasty details from the past started to surface, but the action hero claimed he had nothing to hide. Well, sure looks that way:

Monday, October 20, 2003

Funny funny funny old thing life. Was standing outside in the freezing bitter cold watching some guys from East Germany convert sewage to clean water. The things you do for money.....

Stand Up
STAND UP: You are a natural stand-up comedian. You
watch the news with people, and when you give
your opinions, people start laughing. They are
not laughing at you, they are laughing because
what you say is so TRUE. The world is a very
funny place, full of natural comedy. All you do
is repeat various humorous things that you
notice from everyday life. Your unique
perspective on the world is what makes you so
funny. Of all the various comedy types, you may
be the funniest of them all!


How funny are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


Yes, I survived the dark continent ! But not without a brush with airport security. My luggage and my person got searched over and over again. When I arrived at Boston Logan Airport, the customs inspectors thought my Christmas present to my mother was something very sinister and made me step aside to inspect my bag. They looked disappointed when they saw the "coiled metal object" they were worried about was just a Christmas decoration. I also got stopped at the security gate when trying to hurry to my connecting flight. I had to take of my shoes and have them x-rayed. Grrrd. On my way back the searched my suitcase, then I passed the security checkpoint and finally they searched me before they let me board the plane. Svava, the international terrorist. Sigh.
The conference was at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel in Durham, NC. The woods surrounding the hotel were teeming with life, I saw deers, birds, butterflies and other interesting insects. A wonderful place for a biologist. The conference was good, I learned a lot and didn't fall asleep during sessions. Still, after 3 days of odour problems and waste treatment it was wonderful to head home.
So, now it's Iceland and work again. Sigh. Too bad my brain isn't working....

Friday, October 10, 2003

Well I never !!

Drake mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) in full breeding plumage (left) next to the dead drake mallard (NMR 9997-00232) just after collision with the new wing of the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam; b the same couple during copulation, two minutes after photo a was taken. [photo: C.W. Moeliker]

On 5 June 1995 an adult male mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) collided with the glass façade of the Natuurmuseum Rotterdam and died. An other drake mallard raped the corpse almost continuously for 75 minutes. Then the author disturbed the scene and secured the dead duck. Dissection showed that the rape-victim indeed was of the male sex. It is concluded that the mallards were engaged in an ‘Attempted Rape Flight’ that resulted in the first described case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard.

Weeee ! My new parket floor looks so nice !! My apartment looks soooo much better :-) So, going to the US of A tomorrow, tah dah so long and goodbye. More later.....

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Yea, verily: Who is that, sprinting along the hotel lobby! It is Svava, hands clutching a vorpal blade! She roars thunderously:

"Ares, God of War, be praised! I destroy all in my path until everything has croaked!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Today is a great day. A man is in my apartment, putting parket on my living room floor and the hall. YEAHHHHH !!! Me likes ! Yesterday I got my sister, sister-daughter, sister-son, mother, friend and my daughter to help me move all the furniture from the living room and the hall, and removing the revolting carpet from the living room. We had to scrape the old glue from the floor ! My helpers deserve a medal !
Thank you:
Svanhildur, sister
Gudlaug, sister-daughter
Atli, sister-son
Hilda, my daughter
Sif, my friend
Gudlaug, my mother

A big horray for them !

Monday, October 06, 2003

My inner child is sixteen years old today

My inner child is sixteen years old!

Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

Mrphhh. Monday morning. YAWWWWWWWWWWWWNNNN. The weekend was nice. Saturday I went to a birthday party. My friends daughter was 9, and her mother made some very very nice cakes and a hot breadcake mmmm. Me likes. Saturday evening I went to my friend Gunna and we played Sequence with my friend Harpa until midnight, by then Hilda was getting a tad tired so we went home. Sunday I spent in Heidmork, a wooded recreational area near Reykjavik. I was there with my friend Gunnella and her two children. It was a class trip, her son goes to 2. class in Austurbaejarskoli. So, I came a long as an unidentified female relative, or sumpthing :-) It was quite fun, there was a big playground there where the children could drain their energy while the adults talked, and then we went to a Norwegian hytte, a little cabin in the woods. There we got hot soup and ate sandwiches. Gunnella had made enough sandwiches to feed a third world country !! Anyways, it's Monday and it's coooold outside. Me go get lunch, yes yes.

Friday, October 03, 2003

Hellooooo !

Yes, yes yes ! It's FRIDAY !! No more worrrrrkkkkk for 2 days ! Mmmm, me likes. 8 days until I go to the US of A. Going to 3 conferences with cross-over privilegdes in Raleigh, North Carolina. And yes, it's totally ineresting, about air pollution and wastes from acriculture and about swine housing :-) Still, it's in the States and I get to travel !!

Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Well I never....

I want people of the world to join hands and stop the horrible abuse of the Pope. The old windbag has more than one leg in the grave and should not be shipped around to bless people all over the globe anymore. Join my "Save the Pope" mission !!

Good moaning !! Spent 2 hours at the library yesterday reading papers and magazines. Very nice. Also left with a bag full of detective novels. MMMmmm, me likes :-). The evening was quiet, just relaxing with Hilda and watching TV. Actually fell asleep on the couch, getting old ehe ?