Monday, April 18, 2005

Sleepless in Reykjavík

Why can't I sleep like a normal person ? Why am I always awake well in to the wee hours of the morning ? Mrrrdd. Anyway, a nice weekend. Went to a pub quiz on Friday, me and Lóa got 7 out of 30 correct. Maybe not the most stunning result, but at least we got the beer question right :-) Saturday I met my friend Sif that lives in Denmark. It was fun to see her again after 2 years. Saturday evening my boss invited us over for dinner. All the pollution department (including one that just quit)together with their signifigant other were there, and me, without a signifigant other. Or unsignifigant other, for that matter. Dinner was delicious, the conversation good and the company great :-) Sunday I went to a birthday party. Eva Karen, Júlíanas daughter, turned 5. Mmmm, nice cakes and babies to play with :-) So, a long weekend packed with events, so why am I not tired enough to fall asleep ??? Got to dash, must count some sheep...I think I'm turning sick so I best get some z z z z.


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