Sunday, November 27, 2005

Of rabbits, babies and wrong-number phone calls :-)

A weekend spent in good company is a weekend that relaxes and recharges batteries. Steingrímur came to stay with me on Friday and much to my happiness is in an excellent mood and making good progress. He crawls considerable distances now, tries to stand up and his legs are much stronger. He has taken a few steps if I hold his hands and sit in front of him. My big boy ! (yes, I know, his parents own him too, bla bla). We visited my friend Sif on Friday evening and the lady of the house, one Arna Ösp, was also in high spirits :-) On Saturday we had an unexpected "visitor". A rabbit, that had wandered into the police station in Kópavogur, was destined to die, since the owners could not be found. My meditation teacher works at the animal clinic and called me to see if I could safe her, at least for the time being. Of course I said yes :-) So, there is a cute brown rabbit in an old cat cage staying here with us :-) I took Steingrímur down to Laugavegur on Saturday to meet Svanhildur and family at the Te og Kaffi coffeeshop. Afterwards we went to my mothers place where we met the family again and Óli waltzed around with kitchen pots and various breakable things :-) Steinar just sat relaxed in his chair, and Steingrímur crawled the longest distance I've ever seen him crawl...escaping from me after I gave him his medicine :-) But the weekend has also been about people calling the wrong number. First, on Friday, a women called as I was picking up Steingrímur. She told me she had just landed and would I please try to reach mother, her phone was off the hook. Ok, I explained that I couldn't help her :-) Then I came home and had another phone call, this time from Bónus Video. They wanted to speak to Matthías about the tapes he was delivering. I told them there was no Matthías in this number. They wouldn't believe that and questioned me repeatedly about the possibility of me bringing back the tapes or my family members. Finally they understood that Matthías had simply given them the wrong number ! The third call came yesterday at almost midnight. That was a girl called Rósa that wanted to speak to her friend Anna. She couldn't take no for an answer either, thought I was Annas mother no matter what I said. Finally she got the picture, but her number called again 2 minutes later, but she hung up when she heard my voice :-)


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