Monday, November 14, 2005

Babysitting, hospital visits and adress tags

My weekend was filled with events. First, a cowboy beer night Friday night. Then on Saturday (feeling duly hung over), I went to a natural history museum to help my sister complete a school project. In the afternoon I babysat for my friend Sif. Her daughter Arna Ösp is a very jolly little person :D We had a lot of fun together, she hardly noticed her mother was gone ;-) But that evening I also got bad news :( My darling Steingrímur had a seizure and was admitted to hospital. He also had pneumonia. Poor darling ! I visited him and his parent at the hospital on Sunday. I was pleased to see he was doing much better, and he was allowed home that evening. Now he has to relax and get well ! Sunday evening I finished by putting elastics on adress tags for Icelandair. Very satisfying job... NOT. But Hilda is going to Sweden next summer to compete, and we are trying to raise money for the trip. GAAA, the things you do for your child ! I will shudder at the sight of an adress tag for the rest of my life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leidinlegt ad heyra med Steingrim. :( Gott ad hann er ordinn hressari og kominn heim.
Va med Hildu, ad keppa i Svithjod. Very impressive.:)

2:56 AM  

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