Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A new WTC - only a single tower this time

The latest plans for a new building at the site of the Twin Towers have been revealed. A single tower will be erected, the same height as the former towers. The building will bear a spire that will emit light at night to echo the Statue of Liberty's torch. The new tower will be named Freedom tower. Hmmm. I'm really sorry,but this constant use of the word "freedom" in connection to the events of September 11th is beginning to annoy me. What about the freedom of the prisoners in Guantanamo bay ? The prisoners of Abu Ghraib ? Many of whom have been proven to be innocents grabbed of the streets in panic and paranoia ? What of their freedom ?? The freedom of the people, some longtime residents of the USA, that were taken into custody only because of race or religion and held without a right to an attorney or without being charged ?? It really leaves a bitter aftertaste that the senseless violence of September 11th is remembered mostly by mindless pursuit of revenge where everybody is guilty until proven innocent and laws and international treaties are ignored. It would hounour the victims more if some moral lessons had been learned by the tragedy, instead of abandoning all reason and go forward using brute force. The tower should be called Remembrance Tower, to remind us all of the wealth of human folly and cruelty. (Feeling philosophical and irritated this evening ;-))


Blogger Björg said...

Bravo, Svabbus! Einstaklega vel mælt! ;)

3:05 PM  

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