Sunday, June 19, 2005

90 years since icelandic women got the righ to vote

Today, the 19th of June 2005, icelandic women celebrated the 90th anniversary of us getting the right to vote. The danish king signed the law permitting this on this day that every year since has been celebrated here in Iceland as Womans day. So, 9 different womens organizations organized a celebration meeting at Þingvellir, the ancient site of Alþingi, the icelandic parliament. I went there with three of my sisters and my mother. The only downside was the pouring rain, but hello, that is the typical weather during all icelandic celebrations so it was only to be expected. There were speeches, choir music, classical music, children dancing and a brass band playing. There was a ceremony by Drekkingarhylur (Drowning pool), a deep pool in the river Öxará where they used to drown women who had gotten pregnant without beeing married or committed other sinful acts. 18 roses where thrown into the water in memory of all the women that had perished there. We discussed this a little and then realized that only my sister Helen would have survived the middle ages, she was the only one of 5 sisters to have a child AFTER getting married. The meeting urged the need to increase equality and stop violence and exploitation of women. I just hope icelandic women will use their heads in the next elections and vote for something other than the stupid people that are in charge now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ussussuss hvaðahvaða, það var nú ekki rigning á 17. júní!!! Og rétt, við erum ansi margar sem hefðum endað oní hylnum, það eða skyndibrúðkaup og barn fætt fyrir tímann...

8:43 AM  

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