Monday, February 26, 2007

It has happened ! I sold my apartment !

Yes ! It happened on Friday. My counter-offer was accepted so I've finally managed to sell the place. Of course the loans have to be approved, but let's hope that happens without a glitz ! Me very very happy ! But dreading the actual moving buisness. HELP !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, til hamingju!

Vildi gjarnan hjálpa med ad flytja, en hef verid veik med flensu og hósta og hef ábyggilega ekkert gott af thvi ad hreyfa mig allt of mikid - já, já, lélegar afsakanir, I know :P

Jeg skal nokk koma ef thú borgar flugid fra danaveldi ... >:-D

Anyways, óska ther godan flutning, and what will the new addy be?



2:51 PM  
Blogger Gunnella said...

Congrats!!!! As well as fingers crossed :-D

2:39 PM  

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