It has happened ! I sold my apartment !
Yes ! It happened on Friday. My counter-offer was accepted so I've finally managed to sell the place. Of course the loans have to be approved, but let's hope that happens without a glitz ! Me very very happy ! But dreading the actual moving buisness. HELP !
Hey, til hamingju!
Vildi gjarnan hjálpa med ad flytja, en hef verid veik med flensu og hósta og hef ábyggilega ekkert gott af thvi ad hreyfa mig allt of mikid - já, já, lélegar afsakanir, I know :P
Jeg skal nokk koma ef thú borgar flugid fra danaveldi ... >:-D
Anyways, óska ther godan flutning, and what will the new addy be?
Congrats!!!! As well as fingers crossed :-D
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