Sunday, July 09, 2006

A hole in my head and a garden party

Yesterday I took a big step...17 years after getting my right ear pierced, I went ahead and had my left ear pierced ! Yes, I know it's silly that I only had one ear pierced for so many years, but hey, it was the latest fashion fad at the time I did it ! And I only had single earrings so... Well, now I wont hear people exclaiming that I've lost my earring as has happened so many times over the years :-) Well, after getting a hole in my head I went with my mother to visit my nephew Andri (Steinka's son). He and his girlfriend have just moved into their first apartment together :-) That apartment is really nice and cozy and was soon filled with female relatives, since all 5 sisters managed to gather there. After tormenting the young couple for a while, we all gathered in Steinka's garden. There we enjoyed refreshments and coffee while cuddling little Steinar :-) It was a happy and relaxed Svava that climbed the stairs that evening, yet another great day.


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