Thursday, November 06, 2003

Heeeeellooooo !
A bad experience at the bloodbank ! I went to the bloodbank to donate some blood because I'm such a nice girl :-) First the nurse tried to stick the needle in my right arm but couln't find a vein! So, the stuck a band aid on the puncture wound and tried the left arm. That went ok, until it was time to remove the needle. OUCHHH !! It hurt like hell ! Usually you can´t even feel it when they take out the needle. So, I got another band aid and went into the coffee room to get some bread and cakes. All of a sudden I feel something warm on my arm...blood was pumping out of the needle mark and my sleeve was soaking wet ! I went in again and the nurses tried to stop the bleeding. They managed to do that in 2 minutes, by then there was a puddle of my blood on the floor. The then gave me a bloodbank t-shirt to change into and put on a new band aid. So much for doing a good deed !


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